So after fourteen hours of night bus, waiting two hours for the
border post officials to finally process my exit in the sleepy Sunday morning
of Huay Xai, and then waiting another four hours on the Thailand side of the river
for the final leg I finally got into my minibus to Chiang Mai, which was to take six hours. All in all the trip from Luang Prabang Laos to Chiang Mai Thailand was
around twenty six hours, and delivered me in a slightly frazzled state.
Thailand / Laos border |
As soon as I got to the Thailand side the difference in the
people was immediately noticeable... more friendly, straight up and at ease with English.
The middle aged, respectable man running the minibus service on the Thailand side came to find me on his scooter, I having some
cold sprite in some air conditioned guesthouse that I found, to tell me that the bus was leaving
slightly earlier than planned and then when he heard I hadn’t eaten yet he ran to get me a
sandwich. The minibus had around four Thai business men who all started talking
to me about South African crops, business prospects and about their travels
there, and asking me questions about my travels like concerned uncles. When we
stopped mid way to get food, they made sure I found the nicer noodles in Seven
Eleven instead of just buying weird snacks. I felt really looked after by these stout gruff Thai uncles.
We got to Chiang Mai central bus station around 10pm after
driving really fast through the green hills of Northern Thailand, passing
Chang Rai along the way. Driving in this part of the world is totally different
from the West. Everyone goes really fast and squeezes through impossible gaps
and overtakes on crazy corners, and if you’re smaller you get out the way fast.
But no one has any road rage, ever. If a huge truck bears down on you and
forces you out the way around a bend, then instead of shaking the fist they
give a little wave instead. If that happened in London then a
person would pop an artery with rage, and have an accident in the meantime. Their way is much better, Zen driving.
I had a quick look in the guide book for the main guesthouse
area and cheapest options. I picked a spot and grabbed a tuk-tuk which cost me
80 Baht (around £1.60) for the 15min drive to a Lonely Planet recommended guesthouse. I was trying to
get my bearings as we splashed through the muggy streets, wet from that
afternoon’s rain. I got dropped off outside the guesthouse when we eventually
found it after a few handbrake u-turns. Everything was really quiet, this
really was low season. The guesthouse was completely empty except for the two
slightly sketchy looking men sitting in the reception (one had really long
fingernails on one hand, yech why) and a really fat silky black and grey cat.
They showed me the room for 300 Baht, and it was okay but right
out the back of the empty strange guesthouse, so I went for a walk to see if I
could find anywhere friendlier. I had the map and intended to walk around for a
while in the old town until I found somewhere but I was so tired from my huge
bus trip that I just walked into a really quiet dark guesthouse with a walkway
covered in bamboo trees like a tunnel, and was shown to a really quirky wooden
room in the cabin like Baan Ing Ung Guesthouse for 200 baht and so decided to do the real
mission in the morning. It was a strange night’s sleep, the wooden house
creaked and moaned in the night and the only other guest was stomping around
next door for ages, talking on the phone in animated German. The bathroom was really funky though.
The old gates of Chiang Mai |
Best coconut shake in the world |
Chiang Mai street scene |
Baan Ing Ung Guesthouse |
Next morning I gathered my things and my map and headed out
into the old town. It was a short walk away and was where all the hostels were,
but everything was extra quiet that day because of a religious festival
happening outside of town in one of the monasteries, which the entire local
population seemed to have gone to. I headed for Juley’s hostel as I heard that
was the most lively, and usually that would be a thing I avoided but in such a
quiet time of year it was nice to have some travellers around. They were full
Diva’s Guesthouse around the corner wasn’t, and I’m glad I ended up staying
there as it was really friendly, the staff really helpful and nice dorms. It
cost 100 baht a night and they helped booked loads of activities for you, and
were always super friendly about everything. I even got a free massage from the
massage parlour that they owned across the road because I booked two activities
with them, so I highly recommend the place.
Something I really wanted to do in Northern Thailand was to
spend the day with some Asian elephants. There are many places offering rides
or walks through jungle, but I really wanted to visit a proper sanctuary where
they look after and protect working elephants, and don’t just use them as a
money maker and behind closed doors treating them miserably. One such sanctuary
Baan Chang Elephant Park, where they buy working elephants out of captivity and look after them. There you can spend the day with them;
feeding, learning to ride bare back (none of those horrible platforms chained
to their belly’s) with simple commands, feeding them, taking them for a walk
through the jungle to get their daily exercise, and then taking them for an end
of day swim to get them all washed and cooled off for the night. It really is a
lovely place, and the owner hopes to expand his grounds to rescue even more
than the twenty or so elephants he has already. He used to be a worker in an
operation that misused elephants in his youth, and witnessed some really
terrible things that they do to these poor elephants. They take them into
jungle with no roads and make them pull huge loads of logs with chains around
them, and feed them amphetamines to make them work harder and longer.
Really horrible. But these elephants had been long since rescued, and some even
had baby elephants while there. We got given some blue overalls to wear and
then an introduction to the place and how to be around the elephants, and then
were shown huge baskets of bananas and sugar cane to feed them. They were all
huffing and puffing at us and extending their trunks to make sure that we came
towards them with big bunches of bananas to put straight into their mouths.
Apparently one small elephant eats of 200kg of food each day! It was so fun to
walk straight up to them, nudge their searching trunks out the way and shove a
whole stack of bananas into their mouths. They really smiled at you.
Hello Mr elephant |
After feeding them we learnt how to get on and off them, and
the commands the
mahouts used to make them sit, stop, and turn left and right. Two mahouts came with their elephants to demonstrate to the group, and one of the
elephants was a young male and was such a sweet animal, definitely my favourite
elephant of the day. It was almost as if he was smiling when you came near him,
and he seemed to really enjoy the attention of everyone and being able to show us how to climb on and off him. It’s such an amazing sensation being
lifted into the air by an elephant. Their skin is very rough and their hair
very bristly, and you really feel high off the ground when they stand up. You
press against their massive head to hold on, and if you really feel like you’re
going to fall you can hold their giant tough ears, where the skin is so thick
they don’t feel it. They sway back and forth and can sometimes stop suddenly to
inspect a juicy looking leaf on the side, throwing their head down to munch at
it, so you really need to clutch on.
Having a scratch before we begin |
sweet young elephant showing us how to get up |
After showing us how to ride the elephants bareback, we sat
down outside to some delicious lunch, Thailand staple food like sweet
and sour stir fry with coconut and rice, with some yummy vegetable soup. We
then got all the elephants together for their daily walk in the jungle, which
is their exercise. The rest of the time they are in the yard under the trees,
flapping their ears to keep the bugs away and to keep them cool, talking
amongst themselves. We got on and rode through the bursting green jungle in our
grass hats and overalls, holding on for dear life when the elephant decided to
pull a branch off for a snack or when it was walking downhill and stooping his
head low, and almost tipping you over its head in the process. They really
seemed to enjoy getting out in the jungle and being taken for a walk, so it was
really fun for all of us.
The next thing on the elephants routine was bath time, their
favourite time of the day. They were lead to the big pond in the sanctuary,
babies and all, and are allowed to dip and play to their hearts content,
getting all the mud and mites that had collected during the day off their skin.
We were given buckets and rough brushes to pour water over them and give them a
scrub, but they all ducked their whole bodies under the water in the shallow
pond. The babies were really playful, sucking water up in their trunks and
squirting it out over all of us. They loved playing around with us, and are
really strong so you can stand straight up on them and then they chuck you in the
water. So much fun with these amazing animals and their mahout keepers.
My elephants Mahout |
I would
definitely recommend Baan Chang Elephant park if you’d like to spend time with
elephants that are well looked after and aren’t used as money makers. The owner
of the park has to pay quite a hefty sum to buy the animals out of captivity,
and then 200kg of food each day for each elephant doesn’t come cheap so your
money really is going to their welfare and not just to line some pockets. The
cost of the day was Baht 2400 (£48) including transport and lunch, and was
booked through Diva’s Guesthouse, although I’m sure you can book directly. They
pick you up from wherever you’re staying in Chiang Mai and then bring you back
again, it’s about an hour’s drive from the centre and you get back around 5pm.
There were two couples there on their honeymoon too which shows what a once in a
lifetime special experience it is.
That night Kayla, a friend who I met in Vang Vieng and then
briefly in Luang Prabang Laos, arrived at my hostel in Chiang Mai. It was great
to meet up with this fun loving, cute girl again and we decided to attend
Sammy’s Organic Cooking School the next day. It was to be a whole day with visiting a
market and cooking in the morning and then eating lunch, with more cooking and
eating in the afternoon. Sammy owns an organic farm about a 45min drive outside
of Chiang Mai, and as with everything in Thailand it’s so easy to do. Just book
at your guesthouse and Sammy will arrive the next morning to pick you up. The
market was really fun, a proper local food market with tons of fruit and veg,
meat, coconut milk, rice, sweets and other brightly coloured and scented
staples of every day Thailand life. He showed us the different rices and what their
prices and weights meant, and then took us to the mini coconut milk factory
where we watched freshly picked coconuts be peeled, cut and then squished in a
machine to make delicious fresh juicy coconut milk. He let us squeeze it in our
hands which felt so nice, but the machine squished the rest into a bag for us to make Thai Green Curry.
Sammy showing us the market rice |
Squeezing fresh coconut |
He then drove us through the streets of Chiang Mai to his farm,
and there was a bit of a traffic jam as hundreds and hundreds of university
students in some kind of uniform were marching in the morning heat, just walking
along in groups with hats made out of newspaper protecting them from the sun.
They jam packed the road so that we had to crawl, and they were all very cute
and friendly waving at us as they weaved in and out, some on scooters. We
called out to them asking where they were all going but none could explain,
although they were really trying to speak English back to us. Sammy said that
every year they make a long walk to symbolise the start of the university year.
After leaving the traffic jam we went down a small country lane and then found
ourselves in Sammy’s beautiful farm. He has an outside kitchen, all set out
with a big comfortable wooden table in a beautiful shaded kitchen area each
with our own pestle and mortar and in another area little individual stoves for
the students, with all the appliances out in the open. Outdoor living, I love

He had some jasmine tea and fruit (ripe delicious weird Thai fruit) ready
for us for some snacking before we began, and also made us some little eggy
sweet tarts to go with our tea. He took us into his garden and showed us all
the veggies and herbs, and picked armfuls of Thai ginger, kaffir lime, Thai
lime, Thai lemon basil, turmeric and chillies, and made us crush them in our
fingers and breathe them in deeply, I’ve never been in such herb heaven. He
brought us everything we needed to make green curry paste, and we happily
bashed it all together with the pestle and let the aromas waft over us.
After explaining all
the herbs and some other Thai cooking delights to us, he let his very cute,
stout wife take over. She led us to the outside kitchen to make Tom Yam Soup,
Thai Green Curry (Genie put
seven chillies
in hers, the rest of us two and it nearly blew our heads off) and Pad Thai. When it was done we sat down with some brown rice and sticky white rice, and feasted
to our hearts content. It was honestly the most delicious Thai food I had
there, with amazingly fresh ingredients and in such an lovely location. The
sun was shining and there were fans to keep us cool in the kitchen, but after
lunch we all had to sink deep into the furry comfortable hammocks Sammy
insightfully dotted around his garden, and we fell into them like fat happy
whales. After an hour of snoozing we went back to cooking, this time deserts
like coconut rice with mango, pumpkin custard and also some appetizers like
tangy mango salad and some sesame marinated chicken wrapped in banana leaves
and fried. YUM YUM YUM. All washed down with ice cold water and jasmine tea.
Sammy and his wife were so cute and lovely, and there little daughters came
home from school and waved at us and ran around. The farm is really beautiful,
and its a really fantastic day if you ever get the chance to do it.

It cost 900 Baht (around £18) and you get all the food and
an entire day of cooking and transport for that, absolute bargain. And did I
mention the toilet? It’s in an outside greenhouse of flowers and plants, open
air as nature intended, and as Sammy say ‘the best toilet in Thailand’. We also
each got given a little recipe book with everything we had cooked and more in
it, so if anyone wants to come round to mine for some Thai dinner when I get back to London, book
yourselves in!
The next stop for Kayla and I was Pai. This was a place I
had heard so much about and was itching to get to. We booked a minivan from our
guesthouse, it was to be around a four hour journey and cost 180 Baht (£3),
totally worth it to get that and not the local bus as it’s a really, really
windy journey climbing up in the hills and then down again, and we felt like a
vomit washing machine the entire way... luckily none of us were actually sick
(other than in our heads) but if you had a big rickety bus full of people who
knows what might end up in your lap. The road is beautiful though, green and
jungly and windy, it would be amazing by motorbike.
Aya is a transport company that rents
motorbikes from Chiang Mai to Pai or vice versa, and then takes your luggage in a van for you so you can ride
those turns and hills without hindrance. That to me sounds like the best way for
sure but in the monsoon season maybe not the safest.
Kayla and I were filled with instant happiness when we
arrived, it was definitely both our kind of place. Slightly hippyish, cheap with beautiful natural surroundings and lots of fun things to do. As always with
Thailand, everything is super easy to do and find, and we set off for
Spicy Pai Backpackers which we’d had recommended to us by many people as a great place for solo backpackers. I was on map
reading duty, and I’m not sure what happened but in my excitement I set us off
in completely the opposite direction to where it was (also some scorned
motorbike taxi person pointed me vaguely in the wrong direction) so we ended up
walking quite a bit the wrong way in the blazing heat. All was fine though,
when we asked some super friendly cafe owners where the heck we were they
chuckled and called the place to pick us up. It also gave us a chance to
have a mango and mint shake to cool us down. We got picked up by two
motorbikes, hoisted our huge backpacks on the back and set off through the pretty
town to Spicy Pai.
Spicy Pai has three main buildings made of wood and bamboo
which are pretty funky and very Thailand, with cool monkey-like dorm beds made
of wood and set in a few levels. They don’t have private
rooms, and the dorm beds are 150 baht. For Pai this is pretty steep, seeing as
you can get your own bungalow for 150 Baht and a really, really nice one with
own bathroom for 200 Baht. Even the dorm beds in Chiang Mai were 100, so I’m
not sure where they get off charging that much. The toilets and showers are
outside, and its all very basic. The showers are hot and nice, and the bed pods
are cool but other than that I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. They make
no effort really to make your stay nice, the girl running it was pretty abrupt and cliquey, and the rest of the guests were all looking for something
that wasn’t there too, not a very friendly atmosphere. Its also quite a walk
from town through some dark roads so not so nice by yourself after a late night
(although the town is perfectly safe, you never know). We stayed there three
nights, but all the people we ended hanging out with we met in the town, its so
easy to do in Pai with loads of great places to drink tea and hang out, lots of
street food stalls and places with live music or outdoor fun, so you really don’t
need to stay in a backpackers to meet people.
Spicy Pai living room |
Spicy Pai dorm |
We searched Pai for our next place to stay, and found
BaanPai Village which had really beautiful bungalows with big bathrooms and porch
for 350 Baht which Kayla and I shared, or smaller cute bamboo bungalows for 200 which I
stayed in after Kayla left. Definitely a million times nicer than staying in
Spicy Pai. It was right in the middle of it all but set back with bamboo trees
and little ponds so felt peaceful, and a few seconds walk brought you onto our
favourite street. The staff there are really nice too, really making an
effort to make your stay pleasant, putting on some acoustic singers in the evening
in the small, lantern lit restaurant.
It’s been great travelling in low season, and Pai was no exception.
In high season its heaving with Western and Thai tourists, the guest houses are
packed and much more pricey, and you can’t get a seat in any of the cute
places. Low season has some rain in the afternoon that cools everything down,
things are cheaper and the locals are more relaxed and themselves, and you can
do everything you want with no crowds, all of Pai to yourself it feels like.
Pai is set in some beautiful green foresty hills, roads
perfect for motorbiking, amazing little cafes for food or tea, waterfalls and
walks and even an outdoor pool, perfect for those hot mornings before the rain.
It’s all too easy to spend days and days there, especially if you meet some fun
people. I spent nine days there with Kayla and we really had fun. One day we
got a whole gang together (called ourselves WOLVERVINES) and set off on
motorbikes to the canyon, to the waterfalls and just to generally whizz about
the beautiful surroundings. We found a great quirky place to eat set on a hill,
with a cute Thai lady there making us some delicious Thai food like red curries
and iced ginger tea. I can’t go on about the food in Thailand enough, it almost
makes for a single reason to visit the country. Slightly on the expensive side
in Pai unless you’re eating local, but it’s worth it. One of our favourite
places was The Good Life tea shop and restaurant opposite Baan Pai Village.
Amazing teas, the best Chai Masala I’ve ever had (thanks to Kayla for
discovering) and really yum organic vegetarian food.

Pai relaxing |
Looking for food in our favourite night time hangout |
One night we ended up Be Bop Bar for open mic night where friends that we had made were performing. A mad, weird
awesome Thai girl got up on stage and did some crazy singing and dancing and
got everyone riled up and on their feet and grooving. Avi, a truly incredible Isreali flutist living in Amsterdam and in Pai
while we were there busted out some awesome jazz freestyle flute. He also makes
his own bamboo flutes which are absolutely beautiful, some of the nicest music
I’ve heard while travelling.
Maria and Paco at Be Bop Bar open mic night |
One of the most memorable things in Pai was meeting Mau and
Maria and their lively, intelligent fun kids Issa and Miro. Kayla wanted a
tattoo and was asking around about the artists in town when she was told about
Mau from Avi. He is from Chile, and lived with his family in India for many
years before moving to Pai. They didn’t want to shout about him doing tattoos
in Pai as there were some local artists that might feel that work was being
taken from them, but really Mau is in a league of his own. If you want a tattoo
of an anchor or a butterfly then you can go to any artist, but Mau designs
amazing tattoo art himself and puts his own style and interpretation into the tattoo.
He interpreted Kayla’s idea of a feather with birds into his own beautiful
unique style, and after meeting him and his family and spending time in their
house I really felt like this was perfect to get something covered on my back
that I’ve wanted done for ages. To be extra crazy and out of character, I asked
him to design it with some ideas I had on theme and colours, but with no other input. Maria translated
and interpreted some of it to him as English isn’t strong, and what came out
was a really beautiful, special artwork that I had no idea what it would be
until it was finished. What an amazing experience! I feel lucky to have such unique ink art by such an artist.
Mau, Maria, Miro, Issa |
Thanks to Kayla, Genie, The British boys Luke, Euan and Simon,
Marlieke, Sebastiaan, Mau Maria Issa and Miro, Paco, Avi, The Italian boys
Silvio and Luca and Diego for making Pai so much fun! I’ll never forget ‘ducking’
(if anyone comes up to you and asked if you’ve been ‘ducked’, definitely go for
it, its an experience to remember).
At the waterfalls |
After nine days it was time to head back
down to Bangkok. While I was in Pai, I was notified that my epic, much
anticipated month long trek through Nepal, Tibet and into China had been
cancelled due to some monks demonstrating in Lhasa. The Chinese government just
slapped a ban on all foreign tourists (big grrr and middle finger raised to China in that moment from me) and
so I had to come up with a plan B fast. I really, really wanted to be in the
Himalayas for at least a month so I decided on the spot to go to North Western
India, which turned out to be probably the best decision I made my entire trip.
I met Michael, a Jewish Australian who had immigrated to Isreal, on the minivan
to Chiang Mai and we had a fun night train ride playing guitar and ukulele
and shooting the breeze, eating really expensive Pringles (200 Baht if you must
know) and laughing about life in general. The night train ride is around fifteen hours from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and cost 880 Baht when booked through an agent.
Michael on the night train |
He showed me a place in Koh San Road in
Bangkok to stay that was only 150 Baht, Sitdhi Guesthouse. Just a bed and door, with shared bathroom. I had a little mission around
Bangkok on local buses and motorbike taxis trying to find trekking shoes and
failing. Happily I met up with Stu Bishop again, who was en route to Malaysia and it was such a
nice treat before heading off into the (seemingly) scary unknown of India. I
had my last Thai street food meal literally on the street near a big train
Street food with Stu and a black kitty |
One of the things I had to do in Bangkok was get my Mongolian visa and
maybe even Chinese visa sorted, as I really didn’t want to do either in
scorching hot Delhi. I cut it really fine, leaving only one day to get both,
and after searching around with taxi’s to find the Mongolian Embassy (the
address on Google maps is wrong by the way) and finally finding it down a
random side street, I knew that two visas was way unrealistic. I had to beg the
Mongolian Embassy to give me a same day visa, which actually isn’t the same day
at all its 24 hours (so
technically the
next day, if you want to be facetious which I did) and I had to pay way more
for the pleasure, and got seriously told off in the process. Why was I rushing,
why didn’t I allow more time for the visa, why (okay this was validated) had my
Thailand visa run out by two days? Did I expect them to issue a visa when I had
been so cavalier with another countries
visa? After paying the very high fee of 2400 Baht I finally got them to issue
my visa 22 hours later instead of the official 24. I had to rush to the embassy
before my flight the next morning, I had to be at the airport at 10am and collect the visa at
9am. Thank goodness for Bangkok’s Skytrain that’s all I can say! Slightly
stressful start to my India trip, but hey its all part of it.
Thai people are really friendly and so used to Westerners that
practically you don't feel like you're in another country half the
time., especially in the cities. It's hard to find local food houses in
tourist areas as there are so many restaurants catering to tourists with
good cheap food, but if you search down some backstreets you could find
some markets but mainly it seems to be easier just to eat in the
thousands of restaurants everywhere. A meal typically costs around
50-150 Baht depending (average around 2.50 pounds) and beer is super
cheap and plentiful. The drink of choice though
has to be fruit
shakes. They're everywhere, and so cheap. Amazing sweet ripe tropical
fruit... pineapple, mango, fresh coconut (sometimes served in the
coconut with the fresh pulp poured over it, YUM). You can have three a
day and not be sick of them. The North is way, way cheaper than the
South, you can get your own really good bungalow for 200 Baht in the
North while in the South it's around 500. Definitely go up North if you
can, its very different to the islands of the South and so worth doing.
An overnight train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai couldn't be easier or more
comfortable. Once in Chiang Mai, you can take motorbikes to the Golden
triangle, be a hippy in Pai or just bike to villages. Everyone speaks
English, everyone is welcoming it seems. Thailand could not be an easier
or more comfortable place to visit, perfect for a relaxing holiday. An
hour long massage can cost 2 Pounds! When you go out in the countryside its different though,
more of the Thai essence but in my experience they keep themeselves to
themeselves unless they're working directly with tourists. One funny
thing I noticed too, in some places like on the South West beaches and
in Pai, the guys really dress up like pirates and I know not why, but
man they do it well. There's a guy in Pai who looks more like Jack
Sparrow than Jack Sparrow. They even wear the white shirts and
waistecoats with black eye makeup. I have no idea who started this trend
or when, but these must be the best pirates out there!
To Delhi.
Here are the pictures.
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